Exclusive page for the business plan builders at CCA Davis, Holdenville, OK!

Video #1: Introduction to the Bare Bones Biz Plan Challenge with Ellen Rohr and tips for the Setting Sight exercises. Guest star: Gail Gudell

Video #2: Help with the Building the Team exercises. Guest star: Trish Saccomano

Video #3: Ellen reports in on the Setting Sight exercises…students sent in their homework!

Video #4: Tips for tackling the Making Money section of your Biz Plan.  Guest star: Gail Gudell

Video #5: Review of The Challenge so far and Getting it Sold.

Video #6: Recap of the Biz Planning process so far, and intro to Getting it Done.

Video #7: Live from Los Angeles – Biz Plan Challenge for Getting it Done. Guest star: Trish Saccomano

Video #8: Update on Making Money, Getting it Done…and our next trip to CCA!

Video #9: Biz Plan Presentations Preperation