Ready to Live Life Un-Leashed? Me Too!
Today’s ONE THING assignment: You…you are not your business. Your business is a terrific vehicle, to drive you in the directions of your dreams. The ONE THING that you can do today is to make a list of all the things you, just you, yes you, want to do. Include the stuff that has gone by the wayside as your business has taken over.
The list may look like…
Which ONE activity will get absolute priority starting TODAY?
Pick one. Block the time on your calendar and do what you want to do. Alert people who need to know. Assume their compliance, and get it. Work out what needs to be done to prioritize that activity. Then, do it. Do it for the joy! As well as to explore the discipline required to make things happen according to your intentions (instead of being at the effect of everyone else’s plans.)
This assignment may change everything for you! Let’s hear about it.
Throughout your day, as you engage each task, consider: Do I want to do this? Is this what I want? And allow yourself to say, “No, thanks,” to that which you just don’t want to do. Will the sky fall? Will others be upset? Can you live with the outcome?
Again, a paradox: As you prioritize your happiness, you are free to give your unique uplifted self to others. That’s a good thing, right?
More fun to come!
PS…Check your inbox for love and tools and stories and videos and classes.