Build your own, customized, profitable business plan for 2014…and beyond!

Ellen Arms Folded“Set a goal of becoming a millionaire. Not for the money, but for what it will make of you to achieve that goal.”
~Jim Rohn

and the money is nice, too.

As a Business Makeover Expert, I’ve worked with hundreds of business owners. I’ve studied many more. This is what I know about successful business owners:

1They are clear about WHAT they want…and WHY.


They take Aligned ACTION to achieve their goals.

Those business owners who are commit to these 2 simple philosophies have less stress, have better relationships, and have more fun in their businesses.  And they make more money!


Today, I am challenging you.

Are you ready? To ask and answer the big questions? To put a profitable business plan in place and commit to making your dreams come true?

Join me for The Biz Plan Challenge!

Buy NOW!

Weekly Webinar Meetings

The Biz Plan Challenge is an interactive weekly Webinar program. We will meet on GoToWebinar each week for eight consecutive weeks.

Each Webinar is live. We’ll preview the exercises for each section of your business plan. We’ll review your homework and answer questions. We’ll cheer each other on. At the end of the program, you will have your own customized business plan, reflecting your refined intention with a clear set of actions to help you – and your team – make it happen.

Between Webinars, you and your team can work on business planning exercises that will help you build your business plan and assemble your Biz Plan Binder

Your business plan is a summary of WHAT you want, WHY, and HOW you are going to get it done.

up_arrowThe Biz Plan Challenge will help you…

  • Get focused. Your business plan is a summary of what you want, and why, and how you are going to get it done.
  • Get going. A solid business plan prioritizes what needs to get done now. It allows you to streamline your day and eliminate tasks that take you off track. Less time and energy…more results. A business plan is motivating because you have mapped out what you are going to do.
  • Get profitable. A good business plan creates profits. And, the plan helps you respond and recover when you try something that just doesn’t work. (It happens!)

We Will Cover the 6 Sections of The Bare Bones Biz Plan

  1. Setting Sight: What do we want and why? Creating your Mission Statement, Elevator Speech, and Goals.
  2. Building the Team: Who does what? Who reports to whom? What’s in it for them? Developing the Organizational Chart and Position Descriptions.
  3. Making Money: Where do we stand financially? How do we make more money? How much should we charge? Crafting your Budget, Selling Price and powerful financial systems.
  4. Getting it Done: What needs to happen now? Next? By whom and by when? Learning how to Delegate and assembling your Top Projects and Master To Do Lists.
  5. Getting it Sold: Whom do we serve? What makes us different and better? How do we get the phone ringing with the right calls at the right time from the right customers? Building your Marketing Plan and “adopting” a Sales Training system.
  6. Making Sure: How will we know when we have done a great job? What do we do if we screw up? What next? Creating systems for getting back on track.

You get me, too!

Ellen Rohr headshotI will walk you through the Biz Plan process…we’ll meet at the Webinars, and you’ll have access to me via phone and email. Business planning can be dry as dust (or a waste of time if you use a “canned” package or checklist.) I make it fun, approachable and super simple. Super powerful, too. If you are prepared and do your homework for each call, at the end of the program, you will have a customized, personalized Biz Plan, tailored for your business and your life.

This is the ninth time I have offered The Biz Plan Challenge program. That’s good news for you, because I have been working with previous Biz Plan Challengers to refine and improve and “streamline” the program.  (BONUS!  When you sign up for The Biz Plan Challenge, you get to attend all Challenge classes…now and anytime I offer the program in the future.  No additional charge to jump back in and ‘dust off’ your Biz Plan!)

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Mike Took The Biz Plan Challenge.  Listen to his Success Story!

Here’s what The Biz Plan Challenge can do for you…and REQUIRES of you…

You’ll see immediate results.

Each day, the work you do on your Biz Plan will start delivering results in your business and in your life. You will know where you stand, and have a simple path for getting where you want to go. You’ll have clarity on WHY you are in business and WHAT you offer and WHO would spend lots of money with you. You’ll have a PLAN…in writing and in action. That focus means you can work less and achieve more. I’ve got the process. Allow me to help you. Easy!

You and any or ALL team members can attend the Webinars

You and your team can work together on your business plan. This means more buy-in and less frustration for all of you. You can invite key employees to help you put the plan together and get your homework DONE.

“The Bare Bones Biz Plan Challenge was an easy, communicative tool, that spoke to not only me, but my staff as as well, (who do not have as much experience). Having a written dialogue that speaks to you makes this book user friendly.”

Mary A. Ardapple
Apple’s Bakery, Inc

You’ll Get The Biz Plan Challenge Webinars, checklists, instructions, forms and books.

4booksIncluded are electronic versions of…..

  • Where Did the Money Go?,
  • How Much Should I Charge?
  • The Bare Bones Biz Plan
  • The Weekend Biz Plan

ALL the forms to complete The Challenge exercises and build your Biz Plan, PLUS dozens more! Every form is a result of working with my clients in the “real” world. It is so much easier to edit a form than to start one from scratch. Have fun making these tools your own.

You won’t have to go it alone.

We’ll build your Biz Plan TOGETHER. I’m here to help. And, you’ll benefit from the power and encouragement of the group. We’re in this together. Your success is leveraged with the success of other group members. It makes the process FUN, too.

April’s Plumbing Company got a Business Makeover with The Challenge!


Once you sign up for The Challenge, you can always participate in future Challenge programs. You may need a little review and dust-off of your Biz Plan. Once you are part of The Challenge community…you are welcome to play with in upcoming Challenges. You can visit Weeks One through Week Six, or just stop by for the Week that you are currently working on.

“Ellen helped me get much clearer on my goals and the month end reports are reflecting that!!! I will be joining you on the next challenge to finish up. It was a great experience and very helpful in getting my business where it needs to be—PROFITABLE!!!”

Kathy Gavin,

Are you ready for The Challenge?

Not sure? Email me at or call 1-877-629-7647. Let’s find out if you are ready to do whatever it takes to succeed…if you are ready for The Challenge. Space is limited so don’t delay!

The Investment: $795 for the intensive 8 week program.

(3 Payments of $265)

The starting line is May 6th at 5 pm central time!

Buy NOW!

The Biz Plan Challenge helped Kyle get PROFITABLE!

Buy NOW!

I only want to work with people who need and want what I have to offer. That’s not everyone and I am OK with that. If for any reason you change your mind about participating in the program, I will give you ALL your money back. So, even if you are a little skeptical, why not sign up and try it out?

“Ellen was so great, she really makes the process easier to understand. I loved getting our procedures in place. I worked on our biz plan and just hit a milestone… in LESS than one year we went from 1.4 Million to…are you ready … $3+ Million…Thats 3,000,000.00 so fun to type it out. We started last year with 3 people and now have 10!

So this goes to prove in a “Down economy” if you have a good product, and the drive to succeed, stay the course and follow your BBB Plan ( Even if not complete…) you can make it happen!”

Michelle Blemel
Amber Leaf Designs

Will you be there? Are you ready?

Sign up now. Just do it.  xo$

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