Home Page2021-01-26T15:07:00+00:00
6:28 pm6:28 pm
  • Business Tips from Kindergarten

Business Tips from Kindergarten

First Day on the Job As an owner or manager, it helps to remember – or imagine – what it is like to be an employee.  If we want to attract and develop great talent, let’s consider what can we do engage [...]

1:53 pm1:53 pm

Business UN-Complicated: The Training Cycle

Waaaaaay too often, I hear things like, "Kids today don't have any kind of work ethic."  Or, "You can't find good people to hire." People are people, and old folks have been complaining about kids since Adam and Eve and Cain and [...]

2:23 pm2:23 pm
  • Davis Correctional

Restitution – Finding a Road Forward

Greetings! A few years back, I discovered a cleaning contractor, Randy MacKenzie, who was teaching at a prison in Oklahoma.  He was using my books as part of his curriculum. I paid him a visit to see what he was up to.  To my [...]

2:41 pm2:41 pm
  • Leadership Engine

Business UN-Complicated: What’s your story?

Tell me your story! Recently, I revisited a classic business book:  The Leadership Engine by Noel M. Tichy. Worth reading and rereading! In it, Tichy shares clues as to what makes a great leader. Leaders, he found, develop more leaders.   In this way, they [...]

12:55 am12:55 am
  • Journalism Principles

Business UN-Complicated: Journalism Principles

The media is under attack.  Is it deserved? Our freedom is dependent on a free press.  It’s the Fourth Estate. From Merriam – Webster:  The term fourth estate has been around for centuries. In Europe, going back to medieval times, the people who participated in [...]