Business Planning Made Simple

Business Planning made EASY:

A simple strategy for a powerful business plan that will DRIVE you in the direction of your GOALS.

Year after year, most business owners just muddle through.  Somewhere along the line, they give up on the dream that got them started in the first place…freedom, financial independence and an opportunity to contribute in a meaningful way.  And, business is supposed to be fun!  Are you ready to reclaim the energy you had when you first started?  Are you ready to craft the business of your dreams?  Let’s plan for it in this interactive, hands-on session!

  • All it takes is you, a three-ring binder and the right questions.  The problem with thinking is that it doesn’t look like you are doing anything.  However, if you don’t plan, you may be planned for…by your employees, customers and vendors.
  • We’ll work together in real time to build YOUR winning plan.  Ellen will show you how to build your Bare Bones Biz Plan, step-by-step…
  • Setting Sight.  What do you want your business to BE?  How will you know when you have “made it?”
  • Building the Team.  Who does what?  Why, how and when?
  • Making Money.  Learn the bare bones basics for building a budget, keeping score and bringing in the bucks.
  • Getting it Sold.  How to create a sales-focused culture…without insulting your soul.
  • Getting it Done.  Developing sure-fire systems for doing things the first time, every time.
  • Making Sure.  Are you on the right track?  How do you get back on track?  It’s all about asking and answering the right questions.
  • Family businesses are particularly in need of a PLAN.  So much heartache in family business is the result of having different business visions.  Learn how to get everyone on the same page…and still get invited to Sunday dinner.

Course material:

Ellen Rohr can customize this seminar agenda and tie it into the theme of your event.  She will demonstrate The Bare Bones Biz Plan.  Ellen will provide the masters for the handout(s) for you to print for your members/clients.  You can also post the electronic version on your website.
