How Much Should I Charge?
Did you call your competitors and ask them how much they charged? Then, charged the same thing? Or LESS? It’s time to get REAL. This seminar will teach you how to budget, how to create a selling price…and how to tackle the underlying issues that are keeping you from making the money you deserve.
- Are you in the WRONG profession? Find out if you are on a good path…or if you should GET OUT NOW!
- The “B” word! – Budgeting is GOAL setting…would you like a simple, step-by-step process for making budgeting EASY?
- What does your competitor know? Probably, not much! I’ll share a simple, no-fail formula for creating a SELLING PRICE that will leave you with exactly the $$$$you WANT.
- Getting your TEAM in on the Game. If they don’t buy it, neither will your customers.
- Super-simple Bonus and Compensation Programs. How to reward right-stuff performers without shooting yourself in the foot.
- Can you triple your prices and keep your customers? Simple marketing strategies for “no complaints” pricing.
- Turn-around Tactics…You’ll also learn specific to do’s for moving from bad news to GOOD NEWS! Easy action items for improving the SCORE.
- Want to GET OUT someday? – Would you like to RETIRE before you DIE? You’ll discover how to create a solid exit strategy…including a way to determine how much your company is WORTH!
This is no lecture! This program will be filled with Role Plays, hands-on exercises and lively discussion.
Course material:
Ellen Rohr can customize this seminar agenda and tie it into the theme of your event. She will demonstrate The Baby Budget. Ellen will provide the masters for the handout(s) for you to print for your members/clients. You can also post the electronic version on your website.
Ellen conducted the class with a sense of humor, while serious about everyone “getting it”. She demonstrated an understanding of our peculiar trade, with our wide variety of services. Ellen showed us how to break categories down to improve budgeting, and chart of accounts. She impressed on us the importance of pricing for profit, as well as frequently checking the books.
Dana Quigley
Bristle Chimney Sweeps &
Wisconsin Guild of Chimney Service Specialists
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