Is Multitasking Making You Stupid?

Aren't we always looking to get more done in less time?  So we show up early and work late and it never seems to be enough. Is the answer multitasking? Unfortunately, no.  According to a report from the University of London, multitasking makes you less intelligent.  They found that levels in IQ dropped as test participants [...]

Is Multitasking Making You Stupid?2016-12-01T14:55:08+00:00

Finding Fulfillment in the Ho Hum of Everyday Life

Special guest, Milan Vasic, Executive Producer of Evergreen Oasis Entertainment and I discuss finding fulfillment in the ho hum of everyday life. Once upon a time, Milan worked for me as a waiter when I was a restaurant manager. He was 21. I was 26. Kids! Since then, we have both been on amazing life [...]

Finding Fulfillment in the Ho Hum of Everyday Life2016-12-01T14:55:17+00:00