About Ellen Rohr

Ellen Rohr The Business Makeover Expert® teaches the few things that make all the difference to your business success: Easy financial clean up, profitable pricing and powerful business planning. Ellen nearly sank her own family’s business. Then, she learned how to keep track of the money and make more of it. In turn, she has helped thousands of business owners start, fix and grow their companies.

Are you encouraging texting and driving?

Here’s a pic of me and Jerod, elbow deep in a furnace.  Jerod is everything you look for in a technician…nice, polite, skilled, ethical and ambitious.  He deeply cares about his customers and fellow team members.  Jerod just graduated from his company’s field supervisor training course and is determined to make a powerful, positive impact.  [...]

Are you encouraging texting and driving?2016-12-01T14:55:17+00:00

7 Sports Philosophies Every Business Should Implement

I love sports.  I especially love the big games – the playoffs and the championship events.  How ‘bout them Redbirds!  The Yankees pulled it off after a season of dead heat with the Orioles.  More good games to come!  And, I love the “more to the story” details the sportscasters share.  I love hearing that [...]

7 Sports Philosophies Every Business Should Implement2016-12-01T14:55:17+00:00

Should He Stay or Go?

Even as you read the title of this blog, did someone come to mind?  Is it time to decide about the person “on the bubble?” Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric, was asked at the end of his remarkable career, “What would you have done differently.”  He responded, “I should have moved faster.  There [...]

Should He Stay or Go?2016-12-01T14:55:17+00:00

Finding Fulfillment in the Ho Hum of Everyday Life

Special guest, Milan Vasic, Executive Producer of Evergreen Oasis Entertainment and I discuss finding fulfillment in the ho hum of everyday life. Once upon a time, Milan worked for me as a waiter when I was a restaurant manager. He was 21. I was 26. Kids! Since then, we have both been on amazing life [...]

Finding Fulfillment in the Ho Hum of Everyday Life2016-12-01T14:55:17+00:00

Can’t We All Get Along?

I just watched the presidential debate.  Here’s what struck me.  There are so many issues about which we could hope for bipartisan cooperation.  Health care.  Gun control.  Environmental protection.  National Security.  But to win the election, it is essential to contrast your plan with the other candidate’s.  Then, when elected, you will find nothing but [...]

Can’t We All Get Along?2016-12-01T14:55:17+00:00

The Upside of Fear

Weldon Long Weldon Long spent 14 years in prison.  7 years into his sentence, he had a humbling, leveling moment where he realized that everything that he was afraid of he had brought into his life.  He was afraid of becoming an addict, of getting arrested, of losing his family…and [...]

The Upside of Fear2016-12-01T14:55:17+00:00

How to Look Discouragement in the Eye

In business, you will have days where the plan, well, just takes too long. Or you have unexpected road blocks. No worries! That's where the good stories come from. And, that's when you count on your success skills to help you overcome disappointment and bounce back fast. Need some solid strategies for surviving the tough times? We all face it. [...]

How to Look Discouragement in the Eye2016-12-01T14:55:17+00:00

What’s Your PLAN?

So much of the recent political conventions focused on, and questioned, each party’s plan for the next four years.  It can be frustrating to sort through the hype.  In the end you will make a decision and vote.  Together, we make decisions about our government.   That’s at the heart of what I love about our [...]

What’s Your PLAN?2016-12-01T14:55:17+00:00

The Biz Plan Challenge Informational Webinar

In this webinar, I explain my upcoming program, The Biz Plan Challenge.  I answer questions that may help you determine if The Biz Plan Challenge is a good fit for you! What's The Biz Plan Challenge About? Get a clear idea of what you want and why you are in business. Figure out [...]

The Biz Plan Challenge Informational Webinar2016-12-01T14:55:17+00:00

What NOT to Say

Have you seen the TV show, What Not To Wear?  In one hour, they perform a fashion and grooming make-over on a disheveled woman (baggy sweats at the mall) or a way-too-casual man (tank top out to dinner.)  The show demonstrates how, with a little education and practice, you can transform from schlubby to sensational.  [...]

What NOT to Say2016-12-01T14:55:17+00:00