What Mama Did or Didn’t Teach

An Operations Manual is a written list of WHAT to do and HOW to do it specific to your company operations.  Here is a sample Procedure…about Grooming. Grooming First impressions count!  Make your job easier by making a great first impression.  You are expected to be clean, well-groomed, smelling good and in full standard uniform [...]

What Mama Did or Didn’t Teach2019-09-26T01:11:57+00:00

Give me some SALES!

Take a look at that picture.  That’s what fun looks like.  That’s what positive energy looks like.  That’s what winning looks like. It’s a picture of the University of Utah MUSS…Mighty Utah Student Section.  These kids agree to sit together, wear their school shirts and cheer on the Running Utes football team.   A powerful student [...]

Give me some SALES!2019-09-26T01:12:29+00:00

Organization Chart Exercise

The Building the Team section of your business plan involves creating your Organization Chart. Building your Position Descriptions and crafting Procedures...what to do and how to do it at your company. An Organization Chart is a graphic representation of the main areas of your company, arranged according to reporting relationship. In other words, the Organization [...]

Organization Chart Exercise2016-12-01T14:55:27+00:00