Leadership Lessons…Beyond COVID-19
Recently my partner Al Levi and I joined The Sharpest Tool Podcast with Josh Smith (Watch Above) to talk about weathering the storm of COVID-19. In the last few days I know [...]
My thoughts over the last few weeks…
My email box is overflowing with COVID-19 updates, resources, responses and even cures. Sigh. How the world has shifted. Still, I know like I know that while this pandemic is in many [...]
Fear of Buying?
How about buying a company as a way to grow yours? Even the smallest companies can use acquisition as a fast growth strategy. The biggest obstacle is getting your head around the [...]
Be Impeccable this Holiday Season
Tis the season for making promises and keeping them. And for cleaning up any communications that need some housekeeping. The Four Agreements is a powerful book by Don Miguel Ruiz. Here are [...]
Is a Life Coach a Good Financial Move?
Is a life coach a good financial move? YES...if! If the results outweigh the investment. If you are stuck...personally or in your business...coaching may be JUST what you need to break through [...]