Is a life coach a good financial move?  YES…if!  If the results outweigh the investment.  If you are stuck…personally or in your business…coaching may be JUST what you need to break through to bigger and better results, aligned with your goals and dreams.

What is a life coach? According to, life coaches help people move forward, set personal and professional goals, make career and life changes. Hmmmm.  Sounds like talking therapy? Yes, but they may not be professionally licensed. Is a life coach a consultant?  Let’s explore!

A life coach could be literally anyone who offers to help you be, do and have better.  I have spent many thousands of $$$ on coaching myself and work with Howard Partridge’s Inner Circle and with my franchisees, to be of service to them.  However, all coaches are not created equal!

Here are the Pros/Advantages:

  • Coaches provide accountability, support, strategies, and tactics for growing your business, getting fit, getting unstuck
  • Consider who has done what you want to do? For instance, a debt recovery expert to help you get out of debt. I’ve helped people clean up business financial messes and put biz plans together.
  • Start with a blog, book, webinar, seminar, and do your research.  Find someone who “speaks” to you.  
  • A great coach should be willing to connect you with clients, testimonials.
  • Be specific and behavioral in what you want. For example… Goal: Find a fitness routine and nutrition plan to support my life, activities.
  • Good coaches offer community, and an opportunity to be surrounded by like-minded people.

Here are the Cons/Warning signs:

  • Have you experienced a serious trauma? Addiction or mental illness? Be careful. Do some research before you allow someone to help who is not qualified.  You may want someone with initials after their name.
  • Explore their process! Would you be OK with it?
  • Life coaching is not covered by insurance.  There is no regulation. It’s up to you to protect yourself.  Look for coaches who take appropriate classes and gain certifications.
  • NOTE!  If the life coach doesn’t do a needs assessment, to learn about you and your situation, don’t sign up.

Oh, and the costs?

  • $200 to $1000 per month for 30-60 min calls 1-4 times a month. $100 – $500 per hour.
  • High end…$5k for 10 minutes. $1million per year for a personal guru.
  • Coaching Groups and Community…from a monthly to yearly fee, from hundreds to thousands.

Based on the above information, I am an life coach, though I use the titles business coach, consultant and franchisor.  You may also find support and accountability with a peer group, a mentor or experts in specific areas of your life.  One of the reasons I LOVE working with Howard Partridge and the Phenomenal Products team is that they offer ALL of this.  They have been helping people develop personally and professionally for years, and their website is chock-full of testimonials.  I can attest to their expertise, too!

Interested in learning more?  Click here!