New Home2016-12-01T14:55:02+00:00
5:07 pm5:07 pm
  • Ellen and Howard Better Way to Pay

A Better Way to Pay

Egads!  How can we be halfway into October already?  The holidays will be here in about 15 minutes. And, gulp, you are looking down the barrel of the dreaded Holiday Bonus. Have you [...]

3:15 pm3:15 pm

Meet Al Levi and The 7 Power Contractor!

Hurray!  Al Levi, all around great guy and outstanding business expert, has released The 7 Power Contractor...your soon to be latest, favorite business book! I consider Al one of my best friends.  When [...]

8:15 pm8:15 pm
  • work and good workplace relationship.

Do You Love Your Employees?

I love sharing the best of what I have learned in my long life and career.  Mostly, I speak about simple financial systems and UN-complicated business planning. However, in most of my presentations, the conversation [...]

3:50 pm3:50 pm
  • Ellen Rohr Think twice Act

Think Twice – Speak Once

If you can't say something nice.... Well, you can say something nice. You can edit your thoughts before they take flight. You can also say nothing at all. Or you can think nothing at all. In [...]