Home Grown Peas (and Business) Tastes Better

Yikes! I got spanked in a teleseminar the other day. I shared some thoughts about how to have the “difficult conversation.” You know the one…about hygiene and grooming. Best to head the issue off at the pass, so I offered tips for updating the Operations Manual and creating a culture of good manners. That’s a [...]

Home Grown Peas (and Business) Tastes Better2016-12-01T14:55:21+00:00

Business Planning – Lessons from the Garden

Got the beds in. Got the plan together. And this morning, we got snow. That’s the thing about gardening. It can be rewarding and spiritually uplifting. It can inspire you with its beauty and bounty. Or, it can disappoint you beyond words. It can humble you, until you feel as low as the soil. It’s [...]

Business Planning – Lessons from the Garden2016-12-01T14:55:22+00:00