21+ ways to improve workplace etiquette

An Operations Manual is a written list of WHAT to do and HOW to do it specific to your company operations. Sometimes it doesn’t include what Mama did or didn’t teach. If you have a “stinky” employee at your shop…start with a Procedure. Here is a sample Procedure…about Grooming. First [...]

21+ ways to improve workplace etiquette2016-12-01T14:55:22+00:00

What Mama Did or Didn’t Teach

An Operations Manual is a written list of WHAT to do and HOW to do it specific to your company operations.  Here is a sample Procedure…about Grooming. Grooming First impressions count!  Make your job easier by making a great first impression.  You are expected to be clean, well-groomed, smelling good and in full standard uniform [...]

What Mama Did or Didn’t Teach2019-09-26T01:11:57+00:00