Team Rohr at the AHR Show!

If you were to throw your mother a birthday party, you would put a little plan together.  Set a date, book a venue, create a guest list, etc.  Yet, so often, we show up for work, in a business of our own, and wing it.  Without some kind of plan, the party, and the business, just [...]

Team Rohr at the AHR Show!2017-01-11T14:32:37+00:00

Appreciation vs. Gratitude….

Greetings! How ever you celebrate this time of year...I applaud you! Gratitude is being thankful. A nice state of being. Appreciation is when you are in the moment and full of joy. Feeling wonderful, waves of goosebumps, having fun, moved to JOY. That's worth pursuing. Or allowing to come your way. Simple moments inspire [...]

Appreciation vs. Gratitude….2016-12-01T14:55:23+00:00