The Power of UN-Thinking
I woke up in the middle of the night and panic crept in. What am I going to do about payroll? What happens if my flight gets cancelled? Is Mr. Fernwicky mad enough to [...]
Spring Cleaning – UN-Clutter Your Desk!
Once, I was asked to submit a proposal for writing a brochure for a manufacturing company. I was on friendly terms with the president of the company, and he had asked me to take on [...]
Financials UN-Complicated – The Financial Quick Check!
Financial Statements – The UN-Complicated Version! When I first learned how to read and use financial reports, I would assemble the information to show my partner and husband, Hot Rod, how we were [...]
Yai’s Tips for UN-Complicating Your Life
When I was a kid, I often rolled my eyes when my mom (we call her Yai Yai) trotted out some un-asked-for advice. Now, I appreciate that she is quite a wise woman. What happened [...]
How to Handle Price Shoppers
Once a month or so, we hold Office Hours. It's an informal phone chat we host on gotowebinar. We celebrate successes, and solve problems. It's a lot of fun, and a super challenging question always comes up. Here's [...]