New Home2016-12-01T14:55:02+00:00
3:04 pm3:04 pm

UN-Business Tip: Do SOMETHING…

I've been asking this question of my seminar attendees recently, "What one thing did you do in the past year that made all the difference in your life?" One fellow shared that he [...]

9:54 pm9:54 pm

Cutting It Too Close?

Are you feeling overwhelmed?  I am.  I'm cutting everything too close.  My life has too little "margin".  Richard A. Swenson, M.D., wrote a book about this...called, naturally, Margin. He talks about emotional and time margin, as [...]

9:36 pm9:36 pm

How to Get Five Star Reviews

My family likes to vacation on the South Jersey shore.  I used to call a realtor to help me find a house.  Now, I go to and search for a big house for our [...]

1:25 am1:25 am

How to UN-Complicate Communication!

We have 24 hours a day to create the life and business we want. While we can't manufacture more time, we can revisit how we spend it.  In my companies (and yours?) we can leverage time [...]

3:33 am3:33 am
  • Business Traveling Ellen

Business Travel UN-Leashed!

South Dakota in January? Some might question my travel choices. However, I am super excited to kick off a tour with Dakota Supply Group this week. I'll be sharing how to make Business UN-Complicted and [...]