Bootstraps. Ever heard of ‘em?
Time to do my absolutely-painless-fast-n-easy-why-not-make-your-dreams-come-true program. You can make this coming year your best ever. Follow these steps… What is your POINT? What is your purpose? Each of us is given unique talents, genetics [...]
Clearing Up Weird Financial Terms
Greetings! I LOVE spending time at @KOLR10 TV station. I'm on Monday mornings in the 6 am hour, sharing financial tips. The media pros at KOLR10 inspire me! The place is crawling [...]
Business UN-Complicated: Bankruptcy Basics
Going Bankrupt? Bouncing Back! Do you struggle under the mounting pressure of debt…personally or in your business? You are not alone. Americans carry, on average, $8,000 in credit card debt from month [...]
Life UN-Leashed: Mind, Body, Business
A friend of mine, Taylor, is a nurse. When I saw her recently, I asked her about the challenges and rewards of his chosen profession. I assumed that, given the problems in our health [...]
Hang Out with Inspiring People
The Criniti brothers, Jim and Jason, own ZOOM DRAIN Philadelphia and are our partners in the ZOOM Franchise Company. They are motivated by helping team members create careers, not just jobs. They are committed [...]