Are You Lying About The Money?
Happy Holidays! For many, this time of year is a mixed bag of emotions. Yes, it's wonderful to spend quality time with friends and family. Yet, there is a lot of pressure, [...]
Business UN-Complicated: What’s Ahead for You and Me!
Charge more than it costs. These words changed my life. My mentor Frank Blau taught me that my selling price should be based on my costs of doing business, not on what [...]
Do What Al Says: Build Your Operating Manuals
Greetings! I want to brag on my friend Al Levi (aka The 7-Power Contractor) for a minute. He and I have known each other about 150 years — a long, long time. [...]
How to Find Great Techs
"I can't find great techs." That's the #1 problem contractors share with me, over the phone and on the seminar trail. A few contractors have solved this problem. Jim and Jason Criniti [...]
Business Planning – Help a Brother (or Niece or Cousin) Out!
This is my happy place! Ocean City, New Jersey. My family has been vacationing in South Jersey, well, since my mom was 4 years old...and Yai Yai is now 87. Yai, and I, and [...]