Ready to ROCK Your Business? Get Stuff DONE!

“She ROCKED my business.  She helped me take my company from deep in debt to humongous profits.  What could you learn from the lady who gets paid ridiculous money to turn companies around?  What could you learn from the lady who took a plumbing service company start up from Zero to $40 million in franchisee [...]

Ready to ROCK Your Business? Get Stuff DONE!2017-02-27T17:48:50+00:00
  • Somebody Left the Message on Your Working Desk; Done

Projects UN-Complicated: Getting Stuff Done

My latest, favorite topic is getting stuff DONE. Leadership involves inspiration, information and implementation. Inspiration comes from asking and answering the big questions: What do I want? Why? It involves thought and journaling and meditation. Information, well, that's usually available isn't it?  Leadership involves shifting through information and deciding which voices to heed and [...]

Projects UN-Complicated: Getting Stuff Done2017-02-07T00:05:19+00:00

Cutting It Too Close?

Are you feeling overwhelmed?  I am.  I'm cutting everything too close.  My life has too little "margin".  Richard A. Swenson, M.D., wrote a book about this...called, naturally, Margin. He talks about emotional and time margin, as well as financial margin. If someone or something comes up that you need or want to you have the resources? [...]

Cutting It Too Close?2016-12-01T14:55:08+00:00

Time is Money – Spend it, and Sell it, Wisely

“I would willingly stand at street corners, hat in hand, begging passersby to drop their unused minutes into it."  ~Bernard Berenson Our most precious commodity is time.  You can always make more money.  You only have so much time.   In order to be successful in business, you must account for your time:  the time you spend [...]

Time is Money – Spend it, and Sell it, Wisely2016-12-06T19:59:36+00:00