• Somebody Left the Message on Your Working Desk; Done

Projects UN-Complicated: Getting Stuff Done

My latest, favorite topic is getting stuff DONE. Leadership involves inspiration, information and implementation. Inspiration comes from asking and answering the big questions: What do I want? Why? It involves thought and journaling and meditation. Information, well, that's usually available isn't it?  Leadership involves shifting through information and deciding which voices to heed and [...]

Projects UN-Complicated: Getting Stuff Done2017-02-07T00:05:19+00:00

Is Multitasking Making You Stupid?

Aren't we always looking to get more done in less time?  So we show up early and work late and it never seems to be enough. Is the answer multitasking? Unfortunately, no.  According to a report from the University of London, multitasking makes you less intelligent.  They found that levels in IQ dropped as test participants [...]

Is Multitasking Making You Stupid?2016-12-01T14:55:08+00:00