Building the Team

Should you go it alone? What about a partner? Employees?

If you want to grow your business, if you want to move beyond doing everything yourself, you can attract “Right Stuff” people who will be honored to play the great game of business with you. That’s what the Building the Team section of your Biz Plan is about. Exercises in this section include: The Clean Up, the Org Chart, the Position Descriptions, Recruiting Basics and assembling a rockin’ Board of Advisors.

What is a team? A team is something special that’s created when everyone is free to do their jobs. How do you build a team? By helping individuals win. By helping each person on the team succeed individually, and contribute to the whole. This is what you address in the Building the Team section of The Bare Bones Biz Plan.

Here are additional blogs to help you in your Building the Team activities…