About Ellen Rohr

Ellen Rohr The Business Makeover Expert® teaches the few things that make all the difference to your business success: Easy financial clean up, profitable pricing and powerful business planning. Ellen nearly sank her own family’s business. Then, she learned how to keep track of the money and make more of it. In turn, she has helped thousands of business owners start, fix and grow their companies.

The Few Numbers That Make All the Difference

Here’s a simple way to take the pulse of your company by reviewing a one page report: The Financial Quick Check (right click and save as...) This powerful report is a weekly summary of the few numbers that make all the difference to the success of your business. Feel free to download and edit this file. Enjoy the benefits [...]

The Few Numbers That Make All the Difference2016-12-01T14:55:22+00:00

Making a Business Plan

Greetings! Once upon a time I met Dan Holohan in the pages of a trade magazine. “You should read this,” my husband Hot Rod offered, as he handed me the mag. “Great,” I replied with the sarcasm of a New Yorker. “Just can’t enough of steam radiators.” I read the article. I met Dan, and [...]

Making a Business Plan2016-12-01T14:55:22+00:00

Katherine to Warren: I need financial help.

Once upon a time, Business Mogul Warren Buffett bought the Washington Post newspaper. The previous owner and publisher at the time was Katharine Graham. Her father built the paper and transitioned it to Phil Graham, Katharine’s husband. Katherine took on the publishing duties when her husband committed suicide. She guided the newspaper to editorial greatness, [...]

Katherine to Warren: I need financial help.2016-12-01T14:55:22+00:00

Biz Planning is not Dieting…

Greetings! Ugh…dieting. No one wants to diet. Even the word has the word DIE in it! Dieting means deprevation, starvation and no fun. Do you think of Biz Planning that way? “Oh, I HAVE to get a business plan together. Ugh.” Instead of dieting, consider eating well and thoughtfully and joyously. You’ll probably lighten up [...]

Biz Planning is not Dieting…2016-12-01T14:55:22+00:00

You get to decide how much is enough…

Greetings! It seems odd that so many people get their underwear in a bunch about proposed tax increases for the top 2% of all US Citizens. Hmmm. I suppose there is this idea that at some point we could all be part of that 2%. Aside from the problematic math, the core issue is… When [...]

You get to decide how much is enough…2016-12-01T14:55:22+00:00

What Mama Did or Didn’t Teach

An Operations Manual is a written list of WHAT to do and HOW to do it specific to your company operations.  Here is a sample Procedure…about Grooming. Grooming First impressions count!  Make your job easier by making a great first impression.  You are expected to be clean, well-groomed, smelling good and in full standard uniform [...]

What Mama Did or Didn’t Teach2019-09-26T01:11:57+00:00

It’s easier going the other way…

Greetings! You go to the local meet-and-greet of business owners. Everyone is complaining about how hard business is because of… * the economy * a family member __________ (name) * cheap customers * rotten employees Sigh. Let them run against the wind. What if you turned around and went the other way. Just because if [...]

It’s easier going the other way…2016-12-01T14:55:22+00:00

College ain’t all it’s cracked up to be…

Greetings! Ah, the springtime high school grads are off and running. To college or to new jobs. Time to flex those wings, dear ones, and fly in the direction of what you want. Remember that… * College is great…but a college degree is NO indication of future success. * Your current job is but a [...]

College ain’t all it’s cracked up to be…2016-12-01T14:55:22+00:00

Lips, ships…and Christina Norman of OWN…

Greetings! Flying home from a FAB family vacation, I was seated next to my adorable nephew, Jackson. He tuned to me to share a video game moment and came eyeball close to my mouth. “What happened to your lips,” he gasped. “It looks like they have little cuts on them. Deep cuts, all around them!” [...]

Lips, ships…and Christina Norman of OWN…2016-12-01T14:55:23+00:00

Team Work and The Organizational Chart

Remember the 1980 Olympic Champions...the USA Hockey Team? Remember when Mike Eruzioni called to his team to join him on the Gold Medal dais? Remember the University of Connecticut Huskies, the mean's and women's 2004 NCAA basketball Champions? How about their shining, smiling faces as they raised the trophies over their heads? Remember the 2004 [...]

Team Work and The Organizational Chart2019-09-26T01:11:57+00:00