Home Page2021-01-26T15:07:00+00:00
7:35 pm7:35 pm
  • Stop Lying About The Money

Are You Lying About The Money?

Happy Holidays! For many, this time of year is a mixed bag of emotions.  Yes, it's wonderful to spend quality time with friends and family.  Yet, there is a lot of pressure, too.  Making sure the gifts and the food and the [...]

8:13 pm8:13 pm
  • Ellen Rohr Find Great Techs

How to Find Great Techs

"I can't find great techs." That's the #1 problem contractors share with me, over the phone and on the seminar trail. A few contractors have solved this problem. Jim and Jason Criniti have. My best friend and mentor, Al Levi, introduced me [...]