New Home2016-12-01T14:55:02+00:00
4:17 pm4:17 pm
  • Ellen Rohr back to school

Back to School…for YOU!

Once a week, I have a meeting with me.  I review my UN-Business Plan.  I revisit my mission, goals and Top Projects.  Then, I make sure that my actions are aligned with my [...]

6:02 pm6:02 pm
  • Ellen Work Together

You Don’t Have to Work Together

"Oh, if he would only do what I want him to do!" Sigh.  Been there and said that. After years of prodding, suggesting, nagging and reasoning, I never succeeding in getting my [...]

9:43 pm9:43 pm
  • Ellen Rohr's Business Trends

Pokemon Go – Business Trend or Trap?

Wow! Who knew Pokemon would be such a runaway-train-trend?  And lots of business owners are jumping on the bandwagon, delighted that you can 'catch' a Pocket Monster at their shop.  But is it really building [...]

4:33 pm4:33 pm
  • Vote question symbol as a group of 3D illustration text and stars shaped as a voting and voter question mark as an icon for election decision or polling information and campaign strategy.

Does It Matter Who Wins?

I'm not going to share my political views on social media or in this blog.  I would have to write as well as Alexander Hamilton or Thomas Jefferson to make a compelling argument, and I [...]