Back to School…for YOU!
Once a week, I have a meeting with me. I review my UN-Business Plan. I revisit my mission, goals and Top Projects. Then, I make sure that my actions are aligned with my [...]
You Don’t Have to Work Together
"Oh, if he would only do what I want him to do!" Sigh. Been there and said that. After years of prodding, suggesting, nagging and reasoning, I never succeeding in getting my [...]
Pokemon Go – Business Trend or Trap?
Wow! Who knew Pokemon would be such a runaway-train-trend? And lots of business owners are jumping on the bandwagon, delighted that you can 'catch' a Pocket Monster at their shop. But is it really building [...]
Does It Matter Who Wins?
I'm not going to share my political views on social media or in this blog. I would have to write as well as Alexander Hamilton or Thomas Jefferson to make a compelling argument, and I [...]
How to KNOW if You Have a Great Bookkeeper or Accountant!
Sometimes, you need a little help. Suppose your accounting is a mess. Maybe you are behind on your taxes, or just always crunched for cash. If you could fix it all by yourself, wouldn't you have [...]