New Home2016-12-01T14:55:02+00:00
9:01 pm9:01 pm

Has Drinking Become a Problem?

Craig was a rising star in the company.  He had so much energy.  He always had a big smile on his face, and loved to laugh.  And, he was skilled.  He had only been [...]

1:48 pm1:48 pm

Save It For The Meeting

Have you ever walked into your office and been jumped by the bookkeeper? "What's this check for?  I can't read your writing.  And Jimmy hasn't filled out his time card all week."  When [...]

2:45 pm2:45 pm

Procedures UN-Complicated: Get Your Operating Manuals IN

Hmmm.  Which is worse... hitting your thumb with a fast-swinging hammer or writing your Operating Manuals? For me,  I'll take the swollen, broken thumb over writing procedures.  Ugh!  I've done it, and it is complicated, slow-going [...]

5:48 pm5:48 pm

Ready to ROCK Your Business? Get Stuff DONE!

“She ROCKED my business.  She helped me take my company from deep in debt to humongous profits.  What could you learn from the lady who gets paid ridiculous money to turn companies around?  What could [...]

5:04 pm5:04 pm

ZOOM DRAIN, You, Me…Let’s Meet at WWETT!

THE place to be in the drain, sewer, septic, and waste treatment industry is the WWETT Show.  If you are interested in these businesses, or considering a new, lucrative niche, you may want to join [...]