At ZOOM DRAIN, We Multiply!

Ooooh, I am really excited about ZOOM DRAIN!  I started this franchise with my best friends for partners:  Al Levi, Jim Criniti and Jason Criniti.  They just happen to be some of the smartest businessmen I know, too. Our Mission:  To demonstrate the best that business can be.  I was motivated to put to [...]

At ZOOM DRAIN, We Multiply!2016-12-20T00:23:16+00:00

Become a No Drama Leader

Greetings! Got drama?  Have you had it with complaining and blaming?  Maybe even backstabbing?  Every team goes through good times and bad times.  However, there are thing you can do – and NOT do! - that will help you and your team live in peace, harmony and productivity.  It comes down to leadership. My pal [...]

Become a No Drama Leader2016-12-01T14:55:09+00:00