• Ellen Rohr Aloha

Holidays UN-complicated…Less is More

How about if you just...don't. You don't go to the party. You don't send the greetings cards. You don't carry on a tradition. What if, when it feels like a chore, you just...don't. What if, instead, you smiled a little more? What if you gave a few compliments? What if you found lots of [...]

Holidays UN-complicated…Less is More2019-09-26T01:11:55+00:00
  • Business Traveling Ellen

Business Travel UN-Leashed!

South Dakota in January? Some might question my travel choices. However, I am super excited to kick off a tour with Dakota Supply Group this week. I'll be sharing how to make Business UN-Complicted and live Life UN-Leashed. I'll be staying in four different hotels...lots of driving and a few plane rides. Still, I'll make time [...]

Business Travel UN-Leashed!2016-12-01T14:55:08+00:00