
This is what Cathy Smithmeyer had to say about participating in The Challenge

“The most memorable part of The Challenge was the ‘aha’ moment when Bill & I realized that if we want to make money with this business, instead of just having a job, we would have to redesign our business to reflect our goals. We also were amazed at the fact that Ellen took the time on a holiday weekend to meet with just 3 of her Challengers. She and the Bare Bones Biz program give more information away and offer more support than any other program or training I have had. Again it has to be the fact that Ellen makes herself so accessible and gives all the tools needed to make this work.”

Here is a picture of them…with their very own Biz Plan Binder. Yeehaw! Cathy and Bill are visualizing their ideals…and taking inspired action. THAT’S living the dream!

More good news…here’s a hot new book recommendation: The Go Giver, by Bob Burg and John David Mann. We live in a universe of paradox. The more you give, the more you receive. The more money you make the more options for giving it away…and enjoying as it comes back to you again. This book is an inspiration for enjoying that kind of freedom. Check it out.

AND…how nice when another business builder recognizes our good work and passes the word along. I would like to return the favor. Check out This is a cool website promoting FAST tips for getting start-up and expansion capital. Here’s the thing…if our mission is to promote peaceful, prosperous free trade across the planet, we are going to need help. So, the more folks out there teaching and using business basics…the better for all of us.

Stay tuned!! The Challenge starts up again on October 2008. What a perfect way to make sure that 2009 is your best year yet…not just the same-old-same-old.

Love, peace, $$, freedom,

Ellen xo$