Intention plus inspired action = creation. If you want a dog, you could draw a dog into your life.
Then, you have to care for the dog.
At Bare Bones Biz, we share simple ways to care for your manifesting biz empire. What do you want? Get clear…and take aligned action. Create! Then, care for it. Help it grow. Have fun with it!
If you want a healthy business, there are things to DO. Solve problems. Keep track of the money. Stay in compliance with Uncle Sam. Engage a winning team. Make sales that sit well. Deliver as promised. This is fun stuff.
Our Step by Step business building program is the simplest way to care for, feed and grow an extraordinary business. The power is in a single focused step…and one month to get it IN. Bring whatever you have manifested, whatever you want to create)to the program. It starts November 16th. And you can test drive it for $1.
Maximum effect from minimal effort.
Pepper is good at this. She’ll be 16 soon and has gotten whatever she wanted without working very hard. I just have to take care of her. If you manifest a dog…you’ll learn a lot about business…and life.
xo$, Ellen