
When you improve any area of your life, the other areas of your life are positively affected. My friend Mary has this to share…

“The biz is WILD!! There is absolutely so much going on that is good and great. So much of our growth strategy is in full swing to make the Holidays the most happening ever. Plus, I am still running. Ran 6 miles a couple of Sundays ago for the first time in my life. Slow, steady and sure to get to the finish…somewhat the same with business, isn’t it?”

Mary Ardapple is the president of Apple’s Bakery, Inc. I’m so proud of Mary and her team and their rockin’ Bare Bones Biz Plan! She is finding confidence to build her business and her daily running mileage. Very cool. She’s living the dream.

She also has a wonderful Mission, the WHY she is in business…

“Facilitators of great conversation with Smiles Made from Scratch!” I LOVE this!

One of the conversations at her bakery? What is it like to be allergic to basic foods…like bread and apple pie? Mary is responding by creating a gluten-free line of products…and going gluten-free for a week to find out. Read about her adventures in her Blog. 🙂 You’ll be tempted to get your Holiday gifts lined up when you see what Mary and her team are baking!

Sometimes when you are particularly stuck in an area, the best approach is work on another part of yourself and your experience. And as you experience success and JOY…it spreads to everything.

Have you checked out The Complete Suite? It will help you build a rockin’ good Biz Plan for yourself. It will help you think about what you want…and take inspired action in that direction. The Complete Suite is The Bare Bones Biz Plan…and LOTS of wonderful, customizeable tools, forms, checklists and multi-media coaching for helping you BE FREE…in business, and in life.

Love, peace, $$,
