Greetings!When I heard Simon speak, I thought, "That is my newest best friend forever!" He's the author of "Start with Why - how great leaders inspire everyone to take action." He asks, "Why are you in business?" and then shuts up so you can stew in the question. Why, indeed! Simon ROCKS. Lisa Carter and [...]
About Ellen Rohr
Ellen Rohr The Business Makeover Expert® teaches the few things that make all the difference to your business success: Easy financial clean up, profitable pricing and powerful business planning. Ellen nearly sank her own family’s business. Then, she learned how to keep track of the money and make more of it. In turn, she has helped thousands of business owners start, fix and grow their companies.Three words to close…
Greetings!I was supposed to be on-stage to do a presentation in two hours. I opened my suitcase and - gasp - realized I had left my snazzy outfit hanging on my closet door back home. Yikes! Then, a miracle happened. I looked out of my hotel window...and right across the street was a Saks Fifth [...]
80+ products for eyebrows…
Greetings!Anastasia Soare is an eyebrow expert. She is THE go to professional for Oprah, Penelope Cruz, Jo Lo, Paula Patton and loads of other celebs. As they readied for the Oscars, Hollywood's Hot List waited in line for Anastasia. Listen in as Anastasia visits with Ryan Seacrest. Hear that passion? It's about...EYEBROWS! And so much [...]
Living a lie?
Greetings! Big lie we tell ourselves? We don't have enough time. We do. We have all there is. Now is the only time we have. With a nod to the past and a glance to the future, we can live now and release our attachment to the sand. Now is eternal. How liberating is that? [...]
Get More Calls, Leads, Sales…
Greetings!Al Levi and I are offering a rockin' marketing program. We call it Get More Calls NOW. Yep...more calls, more leads...more SALES! This lean, easy-to-implement system always works. 100% of the time.We love helping you succeed. And we figured we could take out all the objections to you giving this program a swing. So...Check it [...]
Here’s to the heroes!
Was it really 29 years ago? My college roommate Lisa and I set up our lawn chairs in our dorm room, inches away from our 13 inch television. There we sat for the duration of the 1981 Winter Games. Classes were missed, meals skipped, homework stood still while we watched and wept. Do you [...]
Matter of perspective…
Greetings! What if you got out of the office and went to the front lines. Got in the truck. Put on the coffee. Picked up the garbage. What would you learn about your company and yourself? It's a matter of perspective. I already love this new show on CBS Sundays... BTW...humble and AMAZING CEO [...]
Everything you want, you want because…
Greetings!One of my biz gurus says, "Everything you want, you want because you believe that having it will make you feel better. What if you just prioritized feeling better now, every moment, every day?"What if we if we basked in our victories every day, no matter how large or small? I just got back from [...]
Down with Tolerance…
Greetings!It isn't ok to just tolerate people. Instead, we could accept, allow, include and celebrate everyone...regardless of skin color, language, sex, sexuality and religious belief.What we shouldn't tolerate? Bullying. It's where the seeds of hate are born. When we tolerate bullying (from exclusion to verbal barbs to outright violence) we are complicit in that hatred.I [...]
Appreciation vs. Gratitude….
Greetings! How ever you celebrate this time of year...I applaud you! Gratitude is being thankful. A nice state of being. Appreciation is when you are in the moment and full of joy. Feeling wonderful, waves of goosebumps, having fun, moved to JOY. That's worth pursuing. Or allowing to come your way. Simple moments inspire [...]