About Ellen Rohr

Ellen Rohr The Business Makeover Expert® teaches the few things that make all the difference to your business success: Easy financial clean up, profitable pricing and powerful business planning. Ellen nearly sank her own family’s business. Then, she learned how to keep track of the money and make more of it. In turn, she has helped thousands of business owners start, fix and grow their companies.

Build a Better Bean Team

The following story is true.  The names have been changed to protect the innocent.  If you think this story is about you…you are probably right. The Martyr and The Intimidator Leslie is the owner of a roofing company, a business she inherited from her father.  Back in the day, her father managed a small crew [...]

Build a Better Bean Team2019-09-26T01:11:58+00:00

Do people love their dogs too much?

Greetings!Meet the Rohr dogs...Pepper, Rocket and Lucky. Do people love their dogs too much? I visited my bffs Lisa and Lisa last weekend. They love their dogs a LOT. We went to a lovely pet accessories store. Did you know that you can spend over $1,000 on a custom-fit, tempur-pedic dog bed? Lisa and Lisa [...]

Do people love their dogs too much?2016-12-01T14:55:24+00:00

Challenge yourself….

Greetings!Challenge yourself to think new thoughts and act in new ways. Challenge yourself to allow all good things to come to you.Recently, someone asked me how I stay so positive and optimistic. I responded, "Discipline!" I intend it and make choices that help manifest a sunny! disposition. Some folks think I am "Pollyanna" however...I enjoy [...]

Challenge yourself….2016-12-01T14:55:24+00:00

Friends for 36 years…

Greetings!Look how cute we are! Courtney, Maureen, Cathy and I have been friends since freshman year in high school. I am so pleased that we have maintained our friendship. We love hanging out and make each other laugh. Courtney lives in Utah, Maureen in North Carolina, Cathy in Wisconsin...and I live in Missourah. Our next [...]

Friends for 36 years…2016-12-01T14:55:25+00:00

One and done…how much TRY will you buy?

I LOVE the NCAA tournament. It's one and done. You win or go home. At General Electric, Inc. Jack Welch told his team that they would be #1 or #2 in every market they entered...or they would go home. And he gave them a limited time to do it. One or two quarters sometimes. He [...]

One and done…how much TRY will you buy?2016-12-01T14:55:25+00:00

Write it down…and act “as if…”

Greetings!One of the inmates at Davis Correctional Facility in Holdenville gave me a copy of this book. I read it in a couple of hours. I loved it! It's an easy, inspiring read and it nicely describes what it takes to be mentored and mentor others.I took up the author's challenge to write down my [...]

Write it down…and act “as if…”2016-12-01T14:55:25+00:00

My Biz Planning…with AGE…

Greetings! Today, Al Levi, Gail Gudell (my sis and controller) and I met for our sixth annual AGE (Al, Gail, El) retreat. We explore our Biz Plans...and we come away with fabulous ideas for making our wildest dreams come true. We break for great food and yoga class. Oh, and we do this at Al [...]

My Biz Planning…with AGE…2016-12-01T14:55:25+00:00

Give me some SALES!

Take a look at that picture.  That’s what fun looks like.  That’s what positive energy looks like.  That’s what winning looks like. It’s a picture of the University of Utah MUSS…Mighty Utah Student Section.  These kids agree to sit together, wear their school shirts and cheer on the Running Utes football team.   A powerful student [...]

Give me some SALES!2019-09-26T01:12:29+00:00

When asked…have something to SAY…

Greetings! On Sunday night I will be GLUED to the TV. It’s Oscar night! I love the gowns and the stars and the celebration of art. Some movies qualify as art. One that makes the grade: Slumdog Millionaire. Like life, this movie is at once deeply disturbing and completely hopeful. The music is intoxicating. The [...]

When asked…have something to SAY…2016-12-01T14:55:25+00:00

Pondering the Paradox…unemployed vs. self-employed?

Greetings!Introducing Bonnie and Brent Brooks. Aren't these two adorable? And they are smart and ambitious. Al Levi and I are delighted to have them as Power Partners in Phoenix, AZ. Our first BIG Sales Goal is $20 million. I am all fired up! NOW is the BEST time to start and grow a business. If [...]

Pondering the Paradox…unemployed vs. self-employed?2016-12-01T14:55:25+00:00