Build a Better Bean Team

The following story is true.  The names have been changed to protect the innocent.  If you think this story is about you…you are probably right. The Martyr and The Intimidator Leslie is the owner of a roofing company, a business she inherited from her father.  Back in the day, her father managed a small crew [...]

Build a Better Bean Team2019-09-26T01:11:58+00:00

Get to KFP! (A Known Financial Position)

If you were driving 80 miles an hour, in the dark, with your lights off, heading towards a cliff, would you like someone to yell, "STOP?" OK. Stop! Do you produce financial reports – the balance sheet and income statement – every week?  Do you analyze sales, costs, cash flow, and debt every week?  If [...]

Get to KFP! (A Known Financial Position)2019-09-26T01:12:30+00:00

100+ Ways to Get the Phone to RING NOW!

It’s 8:15 am.  Your experienced, professional, sales oriented, customer service focused, technically masterful sales team is still at the shop.  Ready to go...with nowhere to go.  Maybe that sales team consists of just lil’ ol’ you.  All dressed up and no where to go. Sigh.  Now what? It’s up to you.  Put on your Marketing [...]

100+ Ways to Get the Phone to RING NOW!2018-08-16T16:07:30+00:00

Do your sales meetings suck…

The Bare Bones Biz Plan is a step-by-step business plan workbook, a playbook, for making your business ROCK. In the Getting it Sold section of The Bare Bones Biz Plan, we work together to create a Sales-Friendly culture. Here's a tip for making sales FUN. Create an acronym that will help your team remember your [...]

Do your sales meetings suck…2016-12-01T14:55:27+00:00

Getting to KFP Exercise

You’ll be at a KFP when: You can generate Income Statement and Balance Sheet reports and trust that the information is current and accurate. You can go through the reports line by line, account by account, and understand what each dollar amount represents. You need a good accountant. Most accountants just prepare tax returns. A [...]

Getting to KFP Exercise2016-12-01T14:55:28+00:00