• Frankenstein Featured

The Frankenstein Factor

You can get too many voices in your head. You can get overwhelmed trying to stitch together multiple business strategies. I consider myself a life-long learner.  Every day, I aim to add to my experience and understanding. However, there is a tipping point where too many opinions just get confusing. How do you choose a [...]

The Frankenstein Factor2017-05-18T14:14:38+00:00

Ready to ROCK Your Business? Get Stuff DONE!

“She ROCKED my business.  She helped me take my company from deep in debt to humongous profits.  What could you learn from the lady who gets paid ridiculous money to turn companies around?  What could you learn from the lady who took a plumbing service company start up from Zero to $40 million in franchisee [...]

Ready to ROCK Your Business? Get Stuff DONE!2017-02-27T17:48:50+00:00

The UN-Constipated Business

A friend and client of mine reminded me about this video.  I recorded it a few (many?) years ago and my friend, Jack, told me he watches this video several times a week.  A WEEK?  Wow.  I'm honored to have made that kind of impression on him.  It's called "How To Make Running Your Business [...]

The UN-Constipated Business2016-12-01T14:55:09+00:00