About Ellen Rohr

Ellen Rohr The Business Makeover Expert® teaches the few things that make all the difference to your business success: Easy financial clean up, profitable pricing and powerful business planning. Ellen nearly sank her own family’s business. Then, she learned how to keep track of the money and make more of it. In turn, she has helped thousands of business owners start, fix and grow their companies.

How Inspiration Changed the Course of My Business

Plan… or be planned for. If you don’t craft your intention, you may fall into someone else’s plan. And what they have planned for you may not suit you. So consider what you want, and plan for it. Clarity simplifies your life and energizes your dreams. This is the basis of solid business – and [...]

How Inspiration Changed the Course of My Business2016-12-01T14:55:16+00:00

3 New Years Resolutions You Should NEVER Make

Oh, the lists are lining up!  Tis the season for the “Best Of” and the “Worst Of” and the requisite “Resolutions for the New Year.”  The pressure is on to make this year better, bigger, more profitable than 2012.  Perhaps the way to more…is with less.  Less pressure.  Less stress.  Less disappointment and self-flagellation.  Let’s [...]

3 New Years Resolutions You Should NEVER Make2016-12-01T14:55:17+00:00

Let Go of What is Beyond Your Control

Sigh.  It’s been a tough week.  There is the stress that the Holidays can bring.  And, we have been frustrated by political infighting about the fiscal cliff and the national debt.  Then, the tragedy of another senseless mass murder, inexplicably taking the lives of first graders and their teachers.  What to think?  What to do?  It [...]

Let Go of What is Beyond Your Control2016-12-01T14:55:17+00:00

How to Get Certified as a Diversity Business Owner

Heather Cox Co-founder and COO, Certify My Company I’m proud to be a woman business owner.  I have heard the inspiring and discouraging statistics.  While most businesses are currently being started by woman, only 3% of all woman owned businesses reach the $1 million mark in sales.  It’s a big [...]

How to Get Certified as a Diversity Business Owner2016-12-01T14:55:17+00:00

Biz Kid o’ the Day!

Being an entrepreneur has many benefits.  You can achieve financial and lifestyle freedom.  You can be of service to others, while steering your own course.  Perhaps best of all, you can have a powerful, positive impact on your kids.  Entrepreneurs teach children this priceless lesson:  You can manufacture your own money. Emily Ridgeway has great [...]

Biz Kid o’ the Day!2016-12-01T14:55:17+00:00

The Twinkie Takedown

Denny’s, Papa John’s, Hostess Twinkie…These companies highlight concerns about government regulation, intervention, and growing fears about the impact of healthcare costs. As Hostess employees look for new jobs, let’s start a conversation about what this mean to YOU? Let’s start with healthcare… […]

The Twinkie Takedown2016-12-01T14:55:17+00:00

Lessons from Hurricane Sandy

Since the storm threatened, I’ve been texting my relatives who live on the Jersey Shore.  My sister, my niece, my nephew and a few other assorted family members are hunkered down.  They are braced for when Sandy and the Nor’ Easter and the high tide collide.  As “luck” would have it, my 82 year old [...]

Lessons from Hurricane Sandy2016-12-01T14:55:17+00:00