Business UN-Complicated: What’s Ahead for You and Me!

Charge more than it costs.  These words changed my life.  My mentor Frank Blau taught me that my selling price should be based on my costs of doing business, not on what other companies were charging.  That blew my mind.  Up until then, I thought you had to charge “what the market [...]

Business UN-Complicated: What’s Ahead for You and Me!2017-10-27T04:53:01+00:00
  • How Much is Enough Video Thumb

How Much is Enough?

How much is enough? How much property? House? Money? That question got my attention as I was running today. I've managed to expand my possessions over the years.  We live on 80 acres, with multiple buildings and vehicles.  It's beautiful and I love my life!  Still, as I look forward and ask [...]

How Much is Enough?2017-05-11T02:27:17+00:00
  • Where did the money go special

Where Did the Money Go?

Years ago, as The Plumber's Wife, I jumped into the family business.  I figured that my husband, Hotrod, would turn wrenches, I would answer the phone and pay bills, and we would get rich.  Easy peasy, right? Wrong. We dug a deep hole of debt and struggled to make payroll.  Of course, [...]

Where Did the Money Go?2019-03-27T13:05:26+00:00
  • The Financial Quick Check Laptop

How to Make Decisions with The Financial Quick Check

This ONE Page Report Saved My Marriage. When we started in business together, money was tight.  Really tight.  And the debt piled up like dirty laundry in a large family.  When I would say to my husband, Hotrod, "We don't have enough money!" he would hear, "You're not good enough. You're not [...]

How to Make Decisions with The Financial Quick Check2024-07-16T16:33:54+00:00
  • Ellen Rohr about Men and Women Pay

Why Women Make Less Money Than Men

The oft reported statistic is that women, on average, make about 79% of what men make for doing equivalent work.  (For more details, AAUW is a great resource.) Is that fair? Nope. We can improve this situation, if we are willing to do what we can do. Once upon a time, I left my [...]

Why Women Make Less Money Than Men2016-12-01T14:55:07+00:00

We love you, Frank Blau!

My favorite place?  Seminarland!  I just returned from the Pumper & Cleaner Profit Series with Jeff Bruss in Orlando, Florida.  What a lovely group of contractors.  We laughed, we cried...and expanded business and personal success.  (Thanks, Jeff!  You are a super marketer and businessman, and put on a first class event.) I love to hang out with folks after [...]

We love you, Frank Blau!2016-12-01T14:55:09+00:00

Tips for Finding a Bossy Mentor

Note: I am blogging on behalf of Visa Business and received compensation for my time from Visa for sharing my views in this post, but the views expressed here are solely mine, not Visa's. Visit to take a look at the reinvented Facebook Page: Well Sourced by Visa Business. The Page serves as [...]

Tips for Finding a Bossy Mentor2017-01-23T21:35:38+00:00

Business Makeover Tip #3: Ask For, Offer To Help!

Sometimes you need a hand.  Sometimes you can offer one.  Be willing to do both. My great friend, Nancy Michaels, posted a Rant on Saturday.  Thanks, Nancy, for this reminder:  Your best business will be a reflection of YOU, not anyone else.  Mentors, consultants, other businesspeople, can all play a powerful part in your business [...]

Business Makeover Tip #3: Ask For, Offer To Help!2017-02-17T23:39:54+00:00