• How Much is Enough Video Thumb

How Much is Enough?

How much is enough? How much property? House? Money? That question got my attention as I was running today. I've managed to expand my possessions over the years.  We live on 80 acres, with multiple buildings and vehicles.  It's beautiful and I love my life!  Still, as I look forward and ask [...]

How Much is Enough?2017-05-11T02:27:17+00:00
  • Where did the money go special

Where Did the Money Go?

Years ago, as The Plumber's Wife, I jumped into the family business.  I figured that my husband, Hotrod, would turn wrenches, I would answer the phone and pay bills, and we would get rich.  Easy peasy, right? Wrong. We dug a deep hole of debt and struggled to make payroll.  Of course, [...]

Where Did the Money Go?2019-03-27T13:05:26+00:00
  • The Financial Quick Check Laptop

How to Make Decisions with The Financial Quick Check

This ONE Page Report Saved My Marriage. When we started in business together, money was tight.  Really tight.  And the debt piled up like dirty laundry in a large family.  When I would say to my husband, Hotrod, "We don't have enough money!" he would hear, "You're not good enough. You're not [...]

How to Make Decisions with The Financial Quick Check2024-07-16T16:33:54+00:00

Sales Tip #3: Be UN-afraid of Silence

This is my husband, Hotrod, the Plumber. Hotrod is one of the best salespeople on the planet.  He is a tight lipped guy.  Oh, he can talk.  However, when he puts on his sales hat, he understands Sales Tip #3:  Once you've asked for the sale, shut up.  He is UN-afraid of the silence.   That's because [...]

Sales Tip #3: Be UN-afraid of Silence2016-12-01T14:55:08+00:00

The Most Interesting Blog Post In The World

Branding 101 - What I Learned from the Most Interesting Man in the World! Recently, I was invited to speak at the Business Experts Forum at the Harvard Faculty Club.  How exciting!  Our assignment was to share our most important, essential, legacy message...in 5 minutes.  As I was putting my materials together for the event, I struggled [...]

The Most Interesting Blog Post In The World2016-12-01T14:55:08+00:00