About Ellen Rohr

Ellen Rohr The Business Makeover Expert® teaches the few things that make all the difference to your business success: Easy financial clean up, profitable pricing and powerful business planning. Ellen nearly sank her own family’s business. Then, she learned how to keep track of the money and make more of it. In turn, she has helped thousands of business owners start, fix and grow their companies.
  • See you at a live event?

Meet Me in Seminarland?

This is my favorite place. Seminarland! I love the energy of a live event. If we are to make our dreams come true, we start with imagining what it is that we really, really want. Seminarland is a great place to do that. Leave the shop and the day-to-day behind. Spend time with like-minded people [...]

Meet Me in Seminarland?2016-12-06T22:58:30+00:00
  • Ellen Rohr Aloha

Holidays UN-complicated…Less is More

How about if you just...don't. You don't go to the party. You don't send the greetings cards. You don't carry on a tradition. What if, when it feels like a chore, you just...don't. What if, instead, you smiled a little more? What if you gave a few compliments? What if you found lots of [...]

Holidays UN-complicated…Less is More2019-09-26T01:11:55+00:00

How to Have EVERYTHING You Want

The Decided Redhead! Jean Ziglar Somewhere in the 1990s I attended a Peter Lowe Success Seminar.  It was a long lineup of world class speakers, including Colin Powell, Larry King and Barbara Bush. One of the speakers was Zig Ziglar. What a thrill to listen to his amazing voice, the way he "ennnuuunnnicated" [...]

How to Have EVERYTHING You Want2019-09-26T01:11:55+00:00
  • Ellen Rohr and Lt. General Russel Honore

West Point Leadership Lessons for Election Day

Ellen and Gen. Russel Honore What a cool experience to speak at West Point!  I participated in the West Point Leadership Academy, three days of speaking and exercises designed to expand our skills as leaders. And, oh, the setting! Every stone of the fort and military academy oozes leadership. (My presentation was called [...]

West Point Leadership Lessons for Election Day2016-12-01T14:55:06+00:00


Are you struggling with your compensation program? I worked with a client who had a "circus train" approach to how they were paying office personnel.  Every person had a different deal...salary, hourly and no justification for why one person made more than another.  It took some planning and clear communication, but we fixed it.  We made [...]

  • Ellen and Howard Better Way to Pay

A Better Way to Pay

Egads!  How can we be halfway into October already?  The holidays will be here in about 15 minutes. And, gulp, you are looking down the barrel of the dreaded Holiday Bonus. Have you struggled with what to do to celebrate your team at year end? Well, you may muddle through it this year. [...]

A Better Way to Pay2016-12-01T14:55:06+00:00
  • The Financial Quick Check Laptop

How to Make Decisions with The Financial Quick Check

This ONE Page Report Saved My Marriage. When we started in business together, money was tight.  Really tight.  And the debt piled up like dirty laundry in a large family.  When I would say to my husband, Hotrod, "We don't have enough money!" he would hear, "You're not good enough. You're not [...]

How to Make Decisions with The Financial Quick Check2024-07-16T16:33:54+00:00

Meet Al Levi and The 7 Power Contractor!

Hurray!  Al Levi, all around great guy and outstanding business expert, has released The 7 Power Contractor...your soon to be latest, favorite business book! I consider Al one of my best friends.  When it comes, to business, well, he has been there, done that and made tons of money.  Best of all, he [...]

Meet Al Levi and The 7 Power Contractor!2016-12-01T14:55:06+00:00
  • work and good workplace relationship.

Do You Love Your Employees?

I love sharing the best of what I have learned in my long life and career.  Mostly, I speak about simple financial systems and UN-complicated business planning. However, in most of my presentations, the conversation settles on employees.  You need some help if you are going to clean up your financials, set up great scorekeeping [...]

Do You Love Your Employees?2016-12-01T14:55:07+00:00
  • Ellen Rohr Think twice Act

Think Twice – Speak Once

If you can't say something nice.... Well, you can say something nice. You can edit your thoughts before they take flight. You can also say nothing at all. Or you can think nothing at all. In other words, thinking and speaking are skills you can develop.  Your unbridled thoughts can be refined or changed or sent packing.  A [...]

Think Twice – Speak Once2016-12-01T14:55:07+00:00