About Ellen Rohr

Ellen Rohr The Business Makeover Expert® teaches the few things that make all the difference to your business success: Easy financial clean up, profitable pricing and powerful business planning. Ellen nearly sank her own family’s business. Then, she learned how to keep track of the money and make more of it. In turn, she has helped thousands of business owners start, fix and grow their companies.
  • Ellen Rohr's Video Un-Thinking 2

The Power of UN-Thinking

I woke up in the middle of the night and panic crept in.  What am I going to do about payroll?  What happens if my flight gets cancelled?  Is Mr. Fernwicky mad enough to rant on Facebook?  Then the negative non-stop thoughts of doubt!  Despair.  Fear. Everything is scarier in the dark.  Eyes wide [...]

The Power of UN-Thinking2016-12-01T14:55:07+00:00
  • Ellen Rohr UN-Clutterer

Spring Cleaning – UN-Clutter Your Desk!

Once, I was asked to submit a proposal for writing a brochure for a manufacturing company. I was on friendly terms with the president of the company, and he had asked me to take on the project. I put together a proposal and decided to deliver it in person. When I arrived, the president’s secretary [...]

Spring Cleaning – UN-Clutter Your Desk!2016-12-01T14:55:07+00:00
  • Ellen Rohr's Financial Quick Check

Financials UN-Complicated – The Financial Quick Check!

  Financial Statements – The UN-Complicated Version! When I first learned how to read and use financial reports, I would assemble the information to show my partner and husband, Hot Rod, how we were doing. I’d cover his desk with pages and pages of financial reports. His eyes would glaze over. One day he [...]

Financials UN-Complicated – The Financial Quick Check!2019-10-08T17:50:08+00:00

Yai’s Tips for UN-Complicating Your Life

When I was a kid, I often rolled my eyes when my mom (we call her Yai Yai) trotted out some un-asked-for advice.  Now, I appreciate that she is quite a wise woman.  What happened between then and now?  I got older and I got humbled.  I've considered what's important and what I could let go. [...]

Yai’s Tips for UN-Complicating Your Life2016-12-01T14:55:07+00:00

How to Handle Price Shoppers

Once a month or so, we hold Office Hours.  It's an informal phone chat we host on gotowebinar.  We celebrate successes, and solve problems.  It's a lot of fun, and a super challenging question always comes up.  Here's one from our last Office Hours... How do you respond to callers who want a price over the phone? If [...]

How to Handle Price Shoppers2016-12-01T14:55:07+00:00

UN-Business Tip: Do SOMETHING…

I've been asking this question of my seminar attendees recently, "What one thing did you do in the past year that made all the difference in your life?" One fellow shared that he committed to a sugar-free diet and lost 52 pounds. He looked great and he said he felt so much better. "When I was [...]

UN-Business Tip: Do SOMETHING…2016-12-01T14:55:07+00:00

Cutting It Too Close?

Are you feeling overwhelmed?  I am.  I'm cutting everything too close.  My life has too little "margin".  Richard A. Swenson, M.D., wrote a book about this...called, naturally, Margin. He talks about emotional and time margin, as well as financial margin. If someone or something comes up that you need or want to address...do you have the resources? [...]

Cutting It Too Close?2016-12-01T14:55:08+00:00

How to Get Five Star Reviews

My family likes to vacation on the South Jersey shore.  I used to call a realtor to help me find a house.  Now, I go to www.vrbo.com and search for a big house for our large, noisy family.  I found what seemed like a perfect spot.  Until... I saw that they had NO reviews.   [...]

How to Get Five Star Reviews2016-12-01T14:55:08+00:00

How to UN-Complicate Communication!

We have 24 hours a day to create the life and business we want. While we can't manufacture more time, we can revisit how we spend it.  In my companies (and yours?) we can leverage time by streamlining communication. It's challenging enough to stay in good communication with the ones we love and live with.  (Are [...]

How to UN-Complicate Communication!2017-01-23T21:52:54+00:00
  • Business Traveling Ellen

Business Travel UN-Leashed!

South Dakota in January? Some might question my travel choices. However, I am super excited to kick off a tour with Dakota Supply Group this week. I'll be sharing how to make Business UN-Complicted and live Life UN-Leashed. I'll be staying in four different hotels...lots of driving and a few plane rides. Still, I'll make time [...]

Business Travel UN-Leashed!2016-12-01T14:55:08+00:00