About Ellen Rohr

Ellen Rohr The Business Makeover Expert® teaches the few things that make all the difference to your business success: Easy financial clean up, profitable pricing and powerful business planning. Ellen nearly sank her own family’s business. Then, she learned how to keep track of the money and make more of it. In turn, she has helped thousands of business owners start, fix and grow their companies.

How to Build a Business Plan

Most small businesses SUCK. How about yours? Maybe you started your business with hope in your heart, dreams of freedom and wealth and a commitment to do right by your customers. And maybe your dreams have faded under the weight of too much to do in too little time for too little money. There are [...]

How to Build a Business Plan2016-12-01T14:55:23+00:00

When the tide turns…

Greetings! I just put a training schedule for a half marathon on my calendar. It helps me actually GO running instead of talk about running when I am training for an event. I know this for sure: There comes a point in the training where it gets easier. If I have been slacking off, the [...]

When the tide turns…2016-12-01T14:55:23+00:00

“Fix My Biz” – Got a Biz Challenge? Let’s FIX it!

Greetings!I LOVED the OWN network contest for Oprah's next TV star.  (Still waiting on the announcement...fingers crossed!)  I was inspired to put my own TV show together.  "Fix My Biz!"  Here's the concept...Send me a video describing your Biz challenge.  I'll post it...and share sure-fire advice for solving the problem or helping you lasso the [...]

“Fix My Biz” – Got a Biz Challenge? Let’s FIX it!2016-12-01T14:55:23+00:00

Latest, greatest…and FREE!

Greetings! We have sold over 60,000 books at http://ellenrohr.com/ !! Wow! And, we offer a pdf copy of our best seller - Where Did the Money Go? - Accounting Basics for the Business Owner Who Wants to Get Profitable! - on our website. We want to expand business literacy and help folks make more money [...]

Latest, greatest…and FREE!2016-12-01T14:55:23+00:00

A show, a business, a life of our OWN…

Greetings! We have had a blast promoting my audition for Oprah's new network...OWN. Yeehaw! Click here to see my audition video - 3 entertaining and inspiring minutes. And, if you would like to vote, go for it! Thanks! Voting ends Saturday...and I am soooo grateful for the love and support by way of votes, hilarious [...]

A show, a business, a life of our OWN…2016-12-01T14:55:23+00:00

The Best Kept Secret

Imagination is everything.  It is the preview of life’s coming attractions. ~Albert Einstein Have you heard about the bestseller, The Secret?  It’s a lovely book, full of inspiring stories illustrating universal truths. The Secret is The Law of Attraction.  What we think about comes about. Author Rhonda Byrne shares tips and suggestions for changing your thoughts and your [...]

The Best Kept Secret2019-09-26T01:11:57+00:00

How sexy are obsolete electronic components?

Greetings! My friend, Dawn Gluskin, has a decidedly un-sexy business. She finds and sells obsolete, long lead time and hard to find electronic components. She found a need and went about filling it, in a simple, no nonsense way. 2010 marks her second year in business. She just passed the $1Million in Sales YTD mark...profitably [...]

How sexy are obsolete electronic components?2016-12-01T14:55:23+00:00

What if you couldn’t make an excuse?

Greetings!  You have all the time there is.  You have all the smarts you need.  You live in a world of opportunity.  Everything else you tell yourself...is just an excuse.  Yesterday, I was visiting with Rochelle Togo-Figa.  She said her life really took off...when she was diagnosed with breast cancer.  She threw off her excuses [...]

What if you couldn’t make an excuse?2010-05-12T08:43:00+00:00

“Inside…I am a cheetah!”

Greetings!  My business associate Randy MacKenzie is building a commercial cleaning business.  Lately, his knees have been bothering him.  He shrugs off any suggestions to slow down, "Yeah, my body may be wearing out a bit, but inside...I am a cheetah."  His energy and enthusiasm inspire me!  And the guys he employees.  He is building [...]

“Inside…I am a cheetah!”2016-12-01T14:55:23+00:00

How about YOU as a Reality TV Star?

Greetings! Once upon a time there was Real World on MTV.  Then, CBS and ABC jumped on the bandwagon with Survivor and The Bachelor.  At the same time, FOX entered the Reality TV world with Bachelorette: Alaska.  Sheila Conlin was called on to help FOX navigate the Reality TV waters.  How do you cast these [...]

How about YOU as a Reality TV Star?2016-12-01T14:55:23+00:00