
Ride Alongs are essential for building relationships with Techs and Customers. I’ve hopped in the truck over one hundred times. The number of times I’ve seen a Service Tech use the Flat Rate Price Book the way you THINK he is supposed to be using it? Zero. Not once have I seen the presentation that is discussed on Webinars and in seminars and in the promo materials for the Flat Rate Price Book.

Here are reasons why your Flat Rate Price Book is tripping you up…

  1. There are too many tasks.  You don’t need a thousand tasks.
  2. The Techs were never trained on it.  Handing the book to the Tech is not training.
  3. The customer isn’t interested in the book.  And they are confused by 3 or 4 or 6 columns of pricing.
  4. The pictures are of parts.  The part isn’t the point.
  5. The Techs were not part of the book creation process.  If they don’t buy it, neither will your customers.

So your Tech doesn’t use the book, or maybe just looks up a price in the truck.  And danger lurks!  The Techs run the risk of inconsistent pricing.  One Tech may charge Mrs. Fernwicky twice as much as another Tech charged her neighbor.  And, it gets really crazy when their are multiple tasks to consider.

Flat Rate Pricing books (or tablets) can be powerful tools!  Join me for a hearty, real world discussion for How To Create a Flat Rate Price Book that Won’t Collect Dust (OR trip you up!)

Create a Flat Rate Price Book That Won’t Collect Dust!

Are you winging it when you comes to your selling prices? My Online Workshop will focus on how to create selling prices and present them to customers!  Sign ups are limited.  Register NOW!

Date: October 28th, 2014

Time: 12:00 PM CT