
It isn’t ok to just tolerate people. Instead, we could accept, allow, include and celebrate everyone…regardless of skin color, language, sex, sexuality and religious belief.

What we shouldn’t tolerate? Bullying. It’s where the seeds of hate are born. When we tolerate bullying (from exclusion to verbal barbs to outright violence) we are complicit in that hatred.

I got an email recently…

“…As promised, I told you I would stay in contact about trying to get more women and minorities in the plumbing trade. Well, highschool is the motherlode of all of it. This upcoming year, my hopes are to bring more trade opportunities for everyone into the classroom. Unfortunately, there was only one girl in my class and she pulled out because her classmates harassed her when she was doing practical plumbing exercises on the school plumbing systems. This was before I got to them and needless to say, I was pretty bummed out. Funny thing is these kids who had a hard time having a girl in the class now have a women teaching them. Ahhhh, how the world does funny things.”

Bullying is wrong. In this instance it’s at a point where it might be easy to snuff it out. We could tranform situations, by not tolerating bullying…when the hate is just a seedling. And, by offering acceptance…and celebration of diversity.

(Thanks, Jennifer. And keep me posted of your successes! )



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