“She ROCKED my business. She helped me take my company from deep in debt to humongous profits. What could you learn from the lady who gets paid ridiculous money to turn companies around? What could you learn from the lady who took a plumbing service company start up from Zero to $40 million in franchisee sales (and is now doing it again, with ZOOM DRAIN?) The answer: A LOT.”
That’s what my friend, Howard Partridge, says about me. (Though I challenge the use of the word ‘ridiculous’. Ha!) I love that Howard brags on me, and is appreciative of the work we have done together. Thanks, Howard!
The key to my success is simple. I’ve become skilled at getting things done. The best part? It’s all about letting your team in on the game. I have found that your team members will fix all your problems, if you craft a sound process (and reasons!) for getting projects done.
Join me and Howard as we kick off…Phenomenal Projects – Leadership at All Levels of the Company. As I focus on ZOOM DRAIN, I am not doing any more individual on-site consulting work. The great news about this is I am offering this Webinar Series at a ‘ridiculously’ affordable price. It’s a great way for me to be of service (and efficient!)…And, the first Webinar is free, so you can make sure it’s a good fit for you and your team.
Join in on March 8th for the first Webinar – it’s free! I’ll share the best of what I’ve learned about getting organized and productive. On Webinar #1 I’ll share how to go from Inspiration to Implementation. We’ll explore what you are doing already that works, and how to leverage your efforts with “True North” organizational principles. I’ll share the “tools” I use, and we can commit to small habit changes that produce huge results in productivity.
Register here for the first webinar here…
These simple systems will help you – and your team – get focused, and develop leadership skills. And, hey, if a highly distractible, “shiny object” woman like me can get a TON done, so can you!

Space is limited, so grab your seat today. Plus, when you register NOW, I’ll send you a business building surprise… FREE!
Here’s what we’ll explore in the Phenomenal Projects Webinar Series (and the first session is FREE!).
- How to Move Big Ideas into Reality!
- How to Get More Organized
- How to Delegate (Not Abdicate!)
- How to Solve the “It’s never good enough!” problem
- How to Have Meaningful Meetings
- How to Use Company-Wide Tools to Stay Focused and Moving Forward
- How to Make More Money!
Howard Partridge will be sponsoring The Phenomenal Projects Webinar Series. And, as Howard says…
“The #1 Reason Small Businesses Don’t Grow is F.T.I. (Failure To Implement) Would you like to learn how to get more done? Then join Ellen as she shares how to create a project system that keeps you more organized, focused and productive!”
“This lady gets a LOT done! So can you.”
Awww. Thanks, Howard. He’s right. I do! And, I really don’t work that hard. Join in and learn how to make Business UN-complicated. Attend the first session at no charge! Register Here…
xo$, Ellen